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Chat Filter Placeholders

Chat Filter, Auto Text, and Join Auto Text support many different placeholders that are automatically evaluated by the mod.
All placeholders have the ${placeholder} syntax. For example, the username placeholder would be ${username}.
Here's a list:

Player Coordinates

Syntax: ${coords}
User's coordinates, in the form of X, Y, Z.

Player X Coordinate

Syntax: ${coordX}

Player Y Coordinate

Syntax: ${coordY}

Player Z Coordinate

Syntax: ${coordZ}

System Clipboard

Syntax: ${clipboard}
Acts as a normal paste action (Ctrl+V)

Random entry in list

Syntax: ${random[entries]}, example: ${random["Entry 1", "Entry 2", "Entry 3"]}
Selects a random entry from entries

Current Server IP

Syntax: ${server-ip}

Current Server Lobby


Only available if the mod supports the server, either natively or via a plugin.

Syntax: ${server-lobby}

Current Server Port

Syntax: ${server-port}

Current Server Gamemode


Only available if the mod supports the server, either natively or via a plugin.

Syntax: ${server-gamemode}

Time (HH:mm)

Syntax: ${time-min}

Time (HH:mm:ss)

Syntax: ${time-sec}

Player Username

Since: 3.13.1
Syntax: ${username}

Player UUID

Since: 3.13.1
Syntax: ${uuid}
User's UUID with dashes. Example: bba224a2-0bff-4913-b042-27ca3b60973f

Player UUID, stripped

Since: 3.13.1
Syntax: ${uuid-stripped}
User's UUID without dashes. Example: bba224a20bff4913b04227ca3b60973f